Water Softener Rebate Program

Water Softener Rebate Program

Welcome to the City of Marshall’s Water Softener Replacement Program website. We are happy you are interested in learning more about and possibly participating in the program. Your participation will help the City of Marshall meet its salt/chloride reduction goals while saving you money and protecting the aquatic life in the Redwood River.


The City of Marshall’s Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) is required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to reduce the discharge of chlorides into the Redwood River. A large portion of chloride discharge comes from water softener salt. Since chlorides cannot be removed through conventional mechanical treatment systems, the City of Marshall, and Marshall Municipal Utilities (MMU) worked together and upgraded MMU’s Water Treatment Plant to produce softer water. As of June 1, 2021, MMU has been delivering water at 8 grains hardness compared to 35 grains hardness previously.  

Water Softener Rebate Program

$500 rebates are available to residents/businesses for upgrading old and inefficient water softeners and time clock based.

Softeners may be installed by a water softening company or do it yourself.

Rebates of $500 for removing but not replacing your water softener are available for both business and residential applicants.

Funds are subject to availability. 

Here is what you can find on this site:

  1. Rebate application for water softener replacement- download form with instructions or complete online application
  2. FAQs: questions you may have about water softening and the program
  3. Additional resources on water softeners and reducing salt

Click below to fill out your water softener rebate application online:

Water Softener Rebate Application - Online Form

Water softening postcard

Programa de Reembolso de Descalcificadores de Agua

Para mas informacion en español porfavor de ablar al 507-537-6776.

To view the application instructions or fill out the paper application, click the proper link below.

Water Softener Rebate Application & Instructions
Marshall Chloride Reduction Flyer - Residential

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